
Manage projects & issues.

To use this demo you can either create an account or use the account: and password demo123

IssueTracker is a collaboration tool that is used to track and manage projects and issues.

Features and Development

The project consists of a GraphQL webserver and a front-end built in React.

The GraphQL webserver is built using Apollo and Typescript. Type safety is ensured with TypeGraphQL. Data is stored in a PostgreSQL database, and connected with TypeORM.

Authorization & authentication is handled with Express session stored in a Redis database.

The front-end is built using Chakra UI, and uses Apollo client. Each page on the application contains both a Navbar and a Sidebar that can be used to navigate between pages. Type safety between the GraphQL client and server is guaranteed with GraphQL Code generator

Project Status

I have since moved on from updating this project and some features may be outdated. The project used an old version of Apollo server/client, but still works. Eventually, I might upgrade to Apollo 3 and add some new features - but for now I'm just going to keep it as is.

Profile Page

The profile page consists of a live feed that reads data over Websocket through GraphQL subscriptions. It also includes some basic information about the projects you have contributed to.

Projects Page

The projects page contains a table, built with React Table. Clicking on the Add Project button will render a page to create a new project. All a project needs to be created is a title and a description - you will automatically be placed in the project with the role as creator.

Project Page

A project is the main content of the application, and contains various users and issues.


Issues are displayed in a list categorized by status. Each issue has a title, a description, and a severity rating.

You can change an issue's status (given you have the appropriate permissions) by dragging and dropping it in the appropriate category container. This was achieved using the library react-beautiful-dnd.

If you have edit permissions, clicking on the pencil icon when hovering over an issue will open a form to edit the issue. From there you can change the name, description, or severity.

This page also includes two modals. The first modal allows you to create an issue, and add it to the list using a GraphQL mutation. The second modal allows you to add comments to a specific issue - data is sent via GraphQL subscriptions.


The users page is built using the same React Table component from the projects page.

If you have the proper permissions, you are able to check users to remove them from the project. Also, a dropdown will render for any user other than yourself in which you can change their role on the project.

Clicking on the Add Users button renders a modal where you can search users by email. This returns a lsit of possible users, which can then be checked and inserted into the project.


The project settings page contains a form to edit the project's title and description. If you are the owner of the project, you will be given the option to delete the project. Otherwise, you will be given the option to leave the project.